WCF, MobileBlogPoster. FlexiScale and St Patrick's Day
Right, so a few links before I disappear for the St Patrick’s Day Festivities…
First, Joe on .NET has a post with 65 links to make you an expert in Windows Communications Foundation. I am OOF this week, so I will try and learn something, and WCF is one of the things I want to learn.
Next, MobileBlogPoster is rising from the ashes! I am in the process of checking the code, which was lost from CodePlex, back into their TFS instance. I am currently tracking the issue here. I am also working on some extra features, which will include Amazon S3 support!
Finally FlexiScale. I talked about these guys before, but now it looks like their API is up and running, allowing you create machines on demand and also start and stop them as you please. I have requested access to this, as it seems my username and password does not work on their API. I was playing around with it last night, and setup a small VPN between my iPhone and my server over there. Works very nicely! I have to play around a lot more with it.