Using WebDAV with IIS
Hmmm. Isn’t the .Mac iDisk thing based on WebDAV? If so, I could cheat a lot because my .Mac account expires tomorrow and I’m not going to renew it because, well other then the online drive space, its not really useful to me. Now don’t get me wrong. It is useful to others, just not me. Speaking of which, there is an interesting <a title= href=""><font color=#0000ff>article here on how to create a fake .Mac web server</font></a> so you can have your own iDisk and use backup too. But, back to the article linked to below. <a title= href="">Using WebDAV with IIS</a>. I have to read this, especially if I want my own potentially unlimited (well not really) iDisk!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
This article walks you through the process of using Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) to publish content to an Internet Information Services (IIS) web server. The article also explains why WebDAV is a more secure and better solution to publishing content than the traditional FTP approach.
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