So, they have not arrived, just yet. i will be picking them up from the delivery centre later on, but the gadgets i mentioned earlier on are the MWg Atom Life (AKA O2 Atom Life) WM6 Pocket PC phone (HSDPA, 1Gb ROM, 624mhz processor) and a GlobalSat BT-338 Bluetooth GPS receiver (SiRF Star III GPS chipset). More photos of these when they arrive, but here are some small photos of them:

The Atom Life:

The BT-338 GPS unit:


The plan for these is simple. the Atom Life will be my Data Device. It will have my HSDPA/G3 SIM from my Vodafone Broadband package, and will be used for email and Internet on the go. It will either Tether to my Laptops via Bluetooth, or Wifi (with the help of WMWifiRouter, which is now not free…).