Quick Links 20031016
Facelift: The</p> Radeon 9600 XT</a> [tomshardware]Review: ZyXEL</p> ZyAIR B-4000 Wireless LAN Hot Spot Gateway</a> [tomshardware]Lime Wire launches</p> legal content portal</a> [theregister]Beefed-up firewall,</p> new version of Update for XP SP2</a> [theregister]Health, Safety</p> and… BOFH</a> [theregister]AMD re-iterates</p> plan to offer multi-core Opterons</a> [theregister]</p> <p> Why PC World’s 64-bit test</p> <p> was skewed, and why it wasn’t [theinqurier]</p> <p> SuSE Linux CTO says Bill</p> <p> Gates made him happy [theinqurier]</p> <p> Pic of eight way POWER5 with</p> <p> 144MB cache revealed [theinqurier]</p> <p> Microsoft Longhorn to cost</p> <p> as much as man on moon project, Gates says [theinqurier] </p><p> G5</p> <p> versus G5 versus G5 [barefeats] </p><p> Mozilla 1.5 Released [mozilla] </p>