Windows Server "Longhorn" Virtualization
Check out this Soap Box video showing you how Windows Server code named “Longhorn” does virtualization. Some very cool bits a pieces in there. Its again one of those things that i dont actually need (like grid computing or a SAN/iSCSI system) but ...
Windows Server 2008 core installation under Virtual Server
Windows Server 2008 has a new option when installing called Core. The Core install is a very basic, cut down installation, which has a very minimal GUI. Well, it actually doesn’t have a GUI at all, just a command prompt, and that’s it. The advant...
Windows PowerShell RTMs!
Well, what is the RTM count now? Windows PowerShell has now RTMed, and is available in a few different places. Firstly, the announcement on the Windows PowerShell Blog is where i got all the links, so Congrads to them and Thanks for the links! N...
Windows Powered Vodafone phones…
SWEET! MS Mobiles are reporting that Vodafone are comming out with an MDA III style device. Basicly, a Pocket PC with phone, GPRS, Wifi, bluetooth, camera, etc, but no kitchen sink. Hmmm. me thinks me may be sticking with Vodafone for that bit lon...
windows PE boot CDs
Very interesting article over at mszCool’s thoughs and cents revealed about boot CDs, Windows PE (Preinstallation Environment) and Windows AIK (Automated Installation toolKit). The really interesting part of this is how easy it seems to be. I migh...
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