Well its actually 08 and 07 of 0403. sorry. i missed one! </p> </a></p> New Kb Articles have been published at Microsoft</font></b></td> </tr> Windows 2000</p> </p> Q816915</a> New Naming Schema for Microsoft</p> Windows Hotfix Packages</font></td> </tr> </table> From a privous alert</p> 4/7/2003</font></b> Access</p> 2000</b></font> </td> </tr> </p> Q209215</a> ACC2000: How to Reset the Page</p> Number on Group Level in a Report</font> </td> </tr> Word 2000</p> </p> Q316130</a> WD2000: Negative Numbers in Word</p> Tables Are Misaligned</font> </td> </tr> Word 2002</p> </p> Q286864</a> WD2002: Cannot Browse Forward and</p> Back on Web Toolbar</font></td> </tr> </table>