Man, The PDC is Massive!
I just got my mailing from Microsoft of the PDC Confrence and it comes on 2 (yea 2) DVDs! cant really figure out why, theres not a lot of Videos from what i have seen. its mainly audio. there could be some lost in all the other stuff, but i havent found it. so theres a lot of stuff on VB and Whidbey, which im watching now, and Avalon, and other things in Longhorn. but there was no copy of Longhorn, which i though i was going to get. i did, how ever, get 2 copies of the one thing. Theres 2 PDC DVDs with all confrences (thats 4 in total as i got 2 packs), there is the “Developers Guide to Interoperability and Migration in Longhorn”, which is a 51 page book. So its pretty cool, and i would love to be at one of these next year, but you never know…