Lindows Laptop
Lindows Mobile PC. Its a Via C3 933Mhz laptop, 256mb ram, 20gb hdd, weighs a total of 2.9lbs, no CDrom in it, its external and optional, but thats about $150 for the CDRW drive. At $799 for the system less CDRW drive, its not bloddy bad! i wanted a Dell, not sure number here, its a Celeron 2Gz, 256mb ram, 20gb hdd and a few other things, but its about .1400. with the Lindows machine, i get a 933, 256mb ram and 20gb hdd. its smaller, weighs 2.9lb and just looks kool!!! theres a video here by Chris Pirillo and he really likes this laptop (bit nuts he be) but if hes not being paid to say all that cool stuff (watch the vid!) he must really like it! Theres also photos here. Pretty cool laptop. Ohhh and it runs linux! Wonder does VMware work on it. need that for college!