HowTo: Mini Stumbler + Net Stumbler + KML-WarDrive + Google Earth = Cool
Today i have been playing with both Mini and Net Stumbler, a peice of software called KML-WarDrive and a copy of Google Earth. I brought my Dell Axim x30, mini stumbler and my bluetooth GPS with me for a quick drive, and got ministumbler to record the whole trip. when i got home, i imported the file created by ministumbler, exported it as a summary file, and opened the KML-WarDrive app, which tooks the summary file and generated a Google Earth file for me to use. Very cool stuff! Also, in a tip of just under 15 Miles round trip, i came accross 72 Access points, of which, 25 where open, 49 where closed, and 7 had their default SSID. I also came accross 3 Irish Wan Access Points, which is nice to see.
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