I was just checking some of my spam that i got, making sure there where no false positives with McAfee Spam killer, and i found a funny one:

Content analysis details: (40.60 points, 4.5 required)

FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS (0.6 points) From: ends in numbers

EARN_MONEY (0.9 points) BODY: Message talks about earning money

HOME_EMPLOYMENT (1.7 points) BODY: Information on how to work at home (2)

MLM (0.7 points) BODY: Multi Level Marketing mentioned

ORDER_REPORT (2.9 points) BODY: Order a report from someone

BE_AMAZED (0.0 points) BODY: Apparently, you’ll be amazed

RISK_FREE (0.8 points) BODY: Risk free. Suuurreeee….

READ_TO_END (2.4 points) BODY: You’d better read all of this spam!

INVALUABLE_MARKETING (2.9 points) BODY: Invaluable marketing information

OPT_IN (0.8 points) BODY: Talks about opting in (lowercase version)

BULK_EMAIL (1.8 points) BODY: Talks about bulk email

BANG_MONEY (1.7 points) BODY: Talks about money with an exclamation!

AS_SEEN_ON (3.0 points) BODY: As seen on national TV!

JODY (2.9 points) BODY: Contains “My wife, Jody” testimonial

FINANCIAL (4.3 points) BODY: Financial Freedom

INITIAL_INVEST (2.7 points) BODY: Requires Initial Investment

COPY_ACCURATELY (2.9 points) BODY: Common pyramid scheme phrase (1)

BAYES_60 (1.1 points) BODY: Bayesian classifier says spam probability is 60 to 70%

[score: 0.6874]

RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_91_100 (1.2 points) BODY: Razor2 gives a spam confidence level between 91 and 100

[cf: 100]

ASCII_FORM_ENTRY (0.8 points) BODY: Contains an ASCII-formatted form

RAZOR2_CHECK (0.9 points) Listed in Razor2, see http://razor.sf.net/

MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (0.9 points) ‘Message-Id’ was added by a relay (3)

FORGED_YAHOO_RCVD (2.7 points) ‘From’ yahoo.com does not match ‘Received’ headers

CASHCASHCASH (0.0 points) Contains at least 3 dollar signs in a row

Thats probably one of the biggest ones i got! funny. i have qute a few spams in here, and checked about 20 of the last ones and they all average about 12-14 by spamassassin. this one, 40! haha. madness.