Flybook subnotebook/handtop review
engadget have a link to a review of one cool looking subnotebook! Its called the flybook, has wifi, bluetooth, GSM/GPRS, 1Gz processor, 512mb ram, 8.9″ display, 40Gb hdd, built in modem and lan, weighs in about 1230g and demenstions of 235 x 155 x 31 (mm). runs windows xp home or pro, and can convert from table to clam shell, converts from landscape to portrate screen, and i think its touchscreen. well, it would probably have to be. I wonder why its not running windows XP tablet PC? Hmmm. this looks cool. if i ever need a tablet pc, this could be on my list. but that being said, my PDA should be here tomorrow or tuesday, and i have my laptop, so there enough, i think!
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