Comments should now be working a lot better
A good while back, after getting angry with Comment spam on the blog, i set CS to only post comments that i had checked first. Then, a few weeks ago, i wrote a little tool with the help of Akismet that checked comments, and allowed me to delete them, but again, i still needed to do this manually. Well, after upgrading to CS 2.1, i installed a new Anti Spam addin that runs the comments though Akismet, and wont display them unless they pass. there are some other checks done too, but this, so far, works very well. there are other checks, like has the ip posted more then 1 comment in the last x minuites, is there more then x number of URLs in the comment, are any of the blocked works in there too.
So, with the help of this, i have enabled all comment, that are not concidered to be spam, to be shown on the blog. So, comments should be now working!