Clustering SQL server on Virtual Machines
I am looking into building a virtual cluster for testing. the main testing is for SQL server stuff. Well, there are some videos on JumpStart TV (linked below) and also a very long and handy article over at with info on how to get this working. Now to start building Virtual Machines!
Windows and SQL Server 2005 Clustering Architecture
Clustering SQL Server 2005<div class=wlWriterSmartContent id=scid:0767317B-992E-4b12-91E0-4F059A8CECA8:fc75c717-584b-4585-86a9-0031eb4be579 style=”PADDING-RIGHT:0px;DISPLAY:inline;PADDING-LEFT:0px;FLOAT:none;PADDING-BOTTOM:0px;MARGIN:0px;PADDING-TOP:0px;”>Technorati Tags: SQL Server, Clustering, Windows Server</div>
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