Apple updates iMac, Mac Mini, iLife and iWork
So, Apple has updated the iMac, which now looks very nice, has a 2.8Gz dual core proc (Core 2 Extreme), 1Tb hdd and built in wireless, and comes in 20 or 24 inch displays. very lovely looking machine.
Next, the Mac Mini. now with Core 2 Proc (64 bit), upto 2Gb ram, 160Gb hdd and GigE networking. pretty much everything else looks the same, except did the old one have 4 USB Sockets? i think it may have only had 3… Since its now 64bit and capable of taking 2Gb ram, this would become a very nice little server! and with the hack to add eSATA to it, you could be very sorted!
Both iLife and iWork have been bumped to 08 models. currently watching the guided tour of iLife, and haven’t looked into iWork just yet…
Finally, and not least, .Mac gets an upgrade. 10Gb storage (upped from 1Gb), 100Gb bandwidth, upped from 25Gb, and some other stuff. Still not sure what other stuff, as i am only reading this now. Cool stuff though! </p>