acertant Versonmatic: incremental file protection software
check out Versionmatic. This sounds very cool. the idea: It sits and watches your files (you can tell it files not to watch if you want) and when a file is about to change, it archives the old version so you can go back to it. Kind of like Volume Shadow Copy, but a bit more interesting. a few questions about it though. Does this Diff the files? take for example source code. If you make a change to a class file your working on which weighs in at about 50k, does it just make 17 copies of the 50k file (850k) or does it diff the files (could only be about 80k, depending on what your changing). Can you archive (to external storage, or online Storage)? can the archive be compressed? i could see some issues with Diffing files, but if they are smart the issue could go away. Its definatly interesting and we will watch that one with interest…