A day with Google desktop search
I installed Googles DeskTop search last night and i will say one thing: its interesting. i left it last night, where it has indexed about 50 files and 40 emails, and it was still indexing. this morning i turned on the montors and it had indexed 112,466 items, including 46,755 emails (if i could reply my Exchange log files it would be 250,000+), 1,421 web history pages and 64,270 files. it works well. i went looking for someones blog on normal google and at the top there is a new item saying that there are 47 results on your local machine for this person: emails and web pages. very nice that. one thing i dont know though. which way is it indexing the pages i view? does it index IE cache, or does it index the URL? just something i want to know. i also dont know where it is indexing my files from. i know it found my second hard drive cause some results have come up from there, but is there set directories it will index? either way, im happy so far.